There is a wholesomeness to doing things in a DIY way. Not only is DIY cost effective, it is also a great utilisation of your time and skills. 


Fashion is something we all should care about, because we all wear clothes in some form or another. The fashion industry is one of the greatest pollutants of our planet, as it also plays a big role in the perpetuation of economic and environmental poverty. Therefore, it is important for us to ask ourselves who, how and where our clothes are made.


In January, we at Conscious Collective Lifestyle launched our very first campaign for the year title, “#20EcoActions for 2021″ where we provided  an FYI tip or a DIY tip for all your beauty, fashion, home and lifestyle needs. If you would like to know more about the sustainable fashion movement, our January campaign is a great place to start!


Alternatively, you can read our article about the slow fashion movement below:


This week at Conscious Lifestyle Collective, we have been focusing on DIY solutions for fashion!

Let’s make something warm to wear- SUSTAINABLY!

Three Wearable Winter Items You Can Make

As we have said before, DIY efforts are all about being sharp and inventive with the time, money and existing resources. Our fashion DIY for this week is about teaching you how to create your own scarf, hat/beanie, and left warmers, all from one retired jersey!

To make our DIY Fashion week a little bit more special (and warmer), we have teamed up with Studio 05 Institute of Fashion for a giveaway! Watch our DIY video on our instagram page and find out more about how you and two of your loved ones could be winners of 3 sowing kits!

Turn your jersey into 3 wearable items


Don't have to time to DIY your fashion woredrobe?

Shop from our thrift store!

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