Hello beautiful people,
We hope you are doing well!
We are soooo excited to welcome you to FASHION CONSCIOUS COLLECTIVE but first a quick introduction.
Quick introduction
My name is Ellen Cooper, in 2016 I founded a charity called FASHION OUTREACH which did phenomenal work in helping people in need in South Africa. After a successful completion of 67 Handbags campaign for Nelson Mandela Day, which was one of our biggest campaigns for people that are homeless; helping over 300 people back in July 2019. I decided to step back and think a little deeper on how I can create a more sustainable impact.
As someone whose passionate about empowering female entrepreneurs through my graphic and web design business ellecooper.co and having embarked on my sustainable living journey, I wanted to bring those two worlds together. Fashion Conscious Collective (FCC) is a marketplace for women led startups and small businesses that sell sustainable FASHION, BEAUTY and LIFESTYLE products. Read more about us and our values.